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AI Musical Biofeedback

Play, Learn, Heal

Digital Intervention

Interactive customised musical biofeedback

Device Agnostic Approach

Personal device monitoring stress

Playful Learning

Increasing emotional self-efficacy

Relaxation and wellbeing

Mental health is about the right balance between stressors and resources in life. Learn how to use your energy in the right way and how to relax with musical biofeedback.

Music Therapy & Biofeedback

Discover the healing power of generative musical biofeedback. We combine the music therapy and biofeedback with AI to create an individual healing experience.

AI & Analytics

By leveraging on AI generative music and advanced data analytics, we bring to life a personalized care and support to our users. Our algorithms analyze your physiological data in real time and generate musical compositions that adapt to your individual needs.


Anna Karcher


Simone Conforti


Lorenzo Brusci


Flavio Iannelli


Wojciech Friediger